Firehouse K9s Share CBYD Message for #NationalPetDay

For #NationalPetDay, several fire department K9s answered the call to help spread the word that can stop the spread of fire. Each department posted a photo of their K9 wearing their CBYD gear reminding pet owners that closing doors can slow the flow of fire and give pets and their owners critical minutes to escape during a house fire.

Thanks to the following departments and their K9s for promoting this life-saving information!

The Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI), part of UL Research Institutes, strives to advance fire safety knowledge and strategies in order to create safer environments. Using advanced fire science, rigorous research, extensive outreach and education in collaboration with an international network of partners, the organization imparts stakeholders with knowledge, tools, and resources that enable them to make better, more fire safe decisions that ultimately save lives and property. To learn more, visit Follow Fire Safety Research Institute on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.